Fort Myers Airport
Fort Myers Airport
Car rental
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Before you arrive at the airport, please confirm your airline, flight and departure time, terminal, and boarding gate. Take a look at the departure schedule table below. There you can find information about all Fort Myers Airport departures today.
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or Terminal
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or Time period
Time | To | Flight | Airline | Terminal | Status |
Haven’t you found the departure flight you were looking for? Here is a list of flights departing from Fort Myers - Airport in particular time periods:
Also, you can find the information about the same flight that was scheduled for yesterday or will depart tomorrow.
Still haven’t found your departure? Also, you can get comprehensive information about all flights departing from Choose a terminal and view all available departure flights!
There are times when, due to unforeseen circumstances, such as weather changes, the original flight schedule is disrupted. As a result, passengers have to wait at the airport for several hours. The flight alert system allows travelers to be notified by email of changes in the details of their flight. If you want to stay up to date with your flight updates and receive flight status alerts, please enter your flight details and email address in the table below!
Subscribe to follow up your flight details
Make sure you arrive at Fort Myers Airport (RSW) at least 3 hours before departure if it's an international flight. Arrive 2 hours before if it's a domestic flight. Departures at Fort Myers Airport may be delayed or canceled, so check the status of your flight from time to time. Check with your airline for baggage restrictions (size, weight, prohibited items, etc.).
Fort Myers Airport offers a variety of services to help travelers get the most out of their travel experience.
The Departures and Ticketing level consists of 11 airline ticket counters. Counters are operated by Air Canada, Frontier, United, Sun Country, Southwest, Spirit, WestJet, Delta, American, Alaska, and JetBlue. Before Airport Fort Myers departure, various services are offered: a first-aid post, toll-free flight information telephones, terminal entrance doors 1-6 across the ticket counters, and two information booths at the entrance to Concourses B and D. There is a cash-to-card kiosk inside the ticket hall as well.
The security checkpoints at RSW Airport are monitored by the Federal Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Only passengers with tickets can pass through any of the security checkpoints before entering Fort Myers International Airport departures area. All security checkpoints provide access to concourses and boarding gates.
Precheck is a program that promises to speed up the passage of trusted travelers through security checkpoints. They have to pay $85, be fingerprinted, and provide enough personal information to qualify for PreCheck status. Among other benefits, PreCheck usually allows travelers to keep on their shoes, laptops in cases, and a zip-top bag with liquids and gels in hand luggage.
The designation is valid for five years. At $85 per person, that's $17 a year for something that can save you hours in line.
PreCheck application center is located in Office 1082, opposite Baggage Compartment 5 on the Passenger Terminal Ground Transportation Level. Opening hours are from 8:30 am to 11:30 am and from noon to 5:30 pm on weekdays.
Even experienced travelers can make mistakes that make travel difficult.
For this reason, follow the tips below:
There are two parking options at the Fort Myers Airport Parking Lot: short-term parking garage and long-term parking garage. The car parks offer approximately 11,000 parking spaces and are open 24 hours 7 days a week.
You do not need to make a reservation to use the car park. Airport parking also includes free vehicle services, including starting the engine, assistance in finding a car, tire inflation, etc.
Parking at Southwest Florida International Airport accepts cash and select credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover).